Hitchhiking through South America
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”
The project
Our missions
World stories - Highlighting the value of diversity
Thanks to a collection of video testimonies from men and women we will meet along the way, we aim to show that the world is full of inspiring people, regardless of their age, culture, sex, religion... For us, it is essential to overcome fear-related barriers and open ourselves to cultural differences.
Travel Diary - Sharing the truth of a journey with nearly no money
We decided to create a series of videos and blog articles to share our experience and show a raw version of our daily routine during this adventure in South America: our joys, our laughs and our happy times... but also our challenges, our fears and our struggles.
A Human and Environmental dimension
Une dimension humaine et environnementale

An adventure to showcase the value of diversity

A travel experience without money based on exchanges and help

A journey minimizing our environmental impact
The project
Why taking part in such a journey?
The very essence of this project is to raise awareness, share our discoveries, touch people emotionally and encourage them to take actions.
Diversity, whether cultural or natural, is a source of inspiration. The world is full of great individuals with their own, unique and fascinating stories. We really want to use our journey to share these stories.
We wish to encourage people to move towards others, to change certain ways of perceiving the unknown and to make them understand, accept and even appreciate the differences that constitute the wealth of humanity.
We are convinced that travelling opens eyes and forges minds. We also think that money should not be an obstacle to hit the road. We therefore hope that our videos, photos and articles will inspire and encourage people to dream and dare to make their dreams come true!
The project
Why with almost no money?
Because we have just finished our studies and our bank accounts are quite empty but we still want to leave right away and show that travelling is accessible to everyone!
Because travelling without money means letting go, giving up planning, being in the present moment, facing the unexpected and allowing yourself to be carried away in the the adventure.
Because we seek to experience a simple life, to learn to refocus on essentials and to rethink our approach to consumerism.
Because we really want our trip to be shaped by people we will meet along the way. We want to share life lessons with locals and discover their culture, their thoughts, their way of living…
And mostly because we really want to show that you don’t need a lot of money to pack your backpack and travel.
So don’t waste a minute, apply for the School of the World, learn, discover, explore, enrich yourself with discussions, landscapes, tastes, sensations, feelings, musics and culture!
Why “almost” ?
Because we still chose to buy some equipment, get a travel insurance and make some vaccinations before we leave.
And because in order to make it easier for us to sail across the Atlantic, we decided to start our adventure without money only once we reached the South American continent. We therefore planned to share the boardcash with our captains and spend a little bit during our stops, to adapt ourselves to the rest of the crew and hitchkike a boat more peacefully in the Caribbean.
The project
How ?
We are not planning on jumping from one touristic place to another. We want to meet local communities to discover the world with a different perspective.
We plan on walking, hitchhiking, sleeping in local’s house and exchanging services because the whole project is based on mutual help.. We will try not to use any money but our minds, our bodies and most of all… our time!
Our adventure will also be marked by volunteering stays in farms, youth hostels… in order to take the time to soak up some places.
The project
Who are we ?
We are two travel lovers seeking for encounters, simplicity and adventures. Marine just finished her studies and Edouard left his job to hit the roads of South America.
Obviously we could have gone by plane but we found the idea of crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat much more exciting !

Here is Edouard, he is 24 and grew up in Bordeaux.
He just finished a master in Strategic Management in Warsaw, and worked for about a year as a communication assistant.
He tries to enjoy life as much as possible. He always wants to be active and is eager to discover new places and meet new people… and above all, he wants to share !
Here is Marine, she is 24 and grew up in the Pyrenees.
She really intends to participate in making things move toward a better world. She has just finished her master’s degree in Hospitality Management with a specialization in social entrepreneurship.
She is super energetic, very curious and motivated for everything. She smiles a lot and has the ability to be amazed by simple little things in life.